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News > Foundation > Hike & Bike for bursaries 2024 - an elevated challenge!

Hike & Bike for bursaries 2024 - an elevated challenge!

24 May 2024
Written by Karen Faulkner

The Hike and Bike challenge for the Foundation is back for 2024 and bigger in every sense! With twice the number of intrepid Brentwood staff and more than double the target, the team have big ambitions to fund a full bursary place for the Foundation. Every penny raised during the challenge will go towards supporting transformational bursaries at Brentwood.

The inaugural Brentwood School Hike and Bike challenge took place in 2023 with a small team of seven staff completing the course which saw them gain nearly 20,000km in elevation - equivalent to two Everest ascents -  and raising £4,000 for transformational bursaries in the process. 

This year with the focus on that full bursary place, particpants will be subjecting themselves to individual challenges and forfeits (ideas welcome!) along the way to keep things interesting and hopefully gain maximum support for the cause.

We are looking forward to sharing their blood, sweat and tears over the coming months as they (hopefully!) get themselves challenge ready. Watch this space and follow the school's social channels for further updates.

If you would like to show your support by making an early donation, please visit our donation page  All support is gratefully received.

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